Marcus Denison

Current Role: Head of Business Resilience, Group Safety, Security & Resilience

Location: Welwyn Garden City

Joined Tesco: September 2013


Read Marcus' story

After reaching the rank of Captain after five years in the army, I got married, had a child and found it increasingly difficult to balance family and military life. I was looking for a more sensible job, and a friend recommended a role to me at Tesco. Group Procurement were looking for ex-military candidates, and so I started here as a Buying Manager for PR services. It was surprising to see how similar the Tesco assessment process was to aspects of officer selection for the army! Also, the shared Tesco/army concept of keeping values at the heart of what we do helped ease the transition.

Tesco’s core purpose of “Serving Britain’s shoppers a little better every day” is central to my role; as no matter what happens at our end, the customer needs to have the best experience possible. I’m a big advocate of our seven leadership skills, and I make all my team members receive training in all of them.

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“The diversity of roles at Tesco is extraordinary.”

I’ve since moved over from Procurement to my current role in Group Safety Security and Resilience with a brief stint in Corporate Affairs in between. Here I look to find the small things that if they were to stop would have a big impact on the business, and what plans we can make to stop anything catastrophic or dampen the impact of what could happen. I love learning new things every day, and it’s fascinating to poke around the insides of a FTSE 100 company: my broad experience is illustrative of how you can transfer across departments.

“There is a job for everyone here.”

I also chair the Tesco Armed Forces Network. Here we look to make it easier for Tesco to recruit from the military, implement policies to enable reservists to serve and have a Tesco career, and support families of those in the armed forces. When I first joined there was no network, but it didn’t take long for things to get some momentum!

It’s great to receive a bonus from time-to-time, to have a target to work towards and gain from. The Colleague Clubcard is a big plus, especially when we have Double Discount week – that's worth having isn't it.

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