Lisa Paul

Current Role: Checkouts and Retail Apprenticeship Student


Read Lisa's story

I have been with the company since 2018 and I have bipolar disorder.

I am a trained psychologist but I was unable to continue with this career path as I was becoming unwell so frequently.  Working at Tesco brings me a certain comfort and as such I haven’t had any of the periods of extended sickness that I used to struggle with. The support I receive working here is fantastic, not to mention my line manager who is brilliant.

I have previously spent long periods of time in and out of hospital with my condition which has made holding down a job particularly difficult. Tesco have given me the support and confidence I need to enable me to work in a team who understand and support me through the good times as well as the bad.

My manager is quick to realise when I need that support and is great at offering it when needed. There are times when even just a 10 minute chat away from the shop floor has alleviated my concerns and anxiety if I am having a tricky day.

I love to be able to help others with similar conditions and raise awareness with my colleagues so they also know how they can help someone going through anything similar. In the past, I have stood at the front of the store when we have been running mental health awareness campaigns and spoken to our customers.

Kay Roberts (Lisa’s Manager): Lisa is fantastic! She has been an amazing addition to my store and she is always keen to tell her story and engage others around the struggles of mental health. Because I am aware of Lisa’s disability, it allows me to support her when needed.

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“Tesco have given me the support and confidence I need to enable me to work in a team who understand and support me through the good times as well as the bad.”

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