Dipesh Kotecha

Current Role: Commodity Manager (Commercial Product)


Meet Dipesh and learn about his Tesco story

What is your name and job title?

Dipesh Kotecha - In my current role as Commodity Manager I primarily oversee Tesco’s Own Brand exposure to Coffee, Cocoa & Pulp, each commodity has a unique to set of drivers that influence its price such as weather, fx, trade policy. It is my job to understand those drivers and execute trades that will best protect the firm against future volatility and inflation.

What were you doing before you joined Tesco?

I worked in the Financial Services industry for 7 years, 2 years as a Risk Manager & 5 years as a Broker, I decided I was ready for a career change.

What attracted you to apply for a role at Tesco?

I saw the role advertised on the Careers Website & it looked like a great opportunity & quite unique, I never knew Tesco even had a Commodity team!  I have always been interested in retail, my parents run a small shop & I spent much of my early years in there, so I thought I would try to combine my retail knowledge & my financial experience & apply & I haven’t looked back! 

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"We have a diverse team, everyone is treated the same & I know that everyone is welcome at Tesco, we are all encouraged to be ourselves."

How long have you worked at Tesco and can you describe your career journey so far?

I joined Tesco about 18 months ago as a Commodity Analyst looking after Dairy, after a year I was promoted to my current role of Commodity Manager.

How would you describe inclusivity at Tesco?

Since joining Tesco I have had some brilliant support from my Managers who have recognized my potential & have encouraged me to push myself & look for promotion opportunities.  I don’t really think about inclusivity which I guess is a positive thing, we have a diverse team, everyone is treated the same & I know that everyone is welcome at Tesco, we are all encouraged to be ourselves!

What new skills have you gained since joining Tesco?

Since joining Tesco I work in a much more collaborative way, my People skills have developed significantly along with my Communication skills, I speak to lots of different people across the business & externally every day!

What teams do you collaborate with in your current role?

Mainly Buying, Finance & Legal

What is the most exciting part of working in the Commercial Product team at the moment?

I get really excited about seeing new Tesco Own Brand Products being launched & knowing that my Commodities are in there somewhere amongst the ingredients!  Whilst I’m not directly involved in the commercial aspects of the launch, I do take a really keen interest, particularly if they are new Coffee products. I am interested in understanding changing customer trends and how they impact the demand for the commodities I manage!

What advice would you give to people who are thinking about joining the Tesco Commercial Product team?

Definitely go for it, if you are passionate & driven and you are prepared to work hard & take responsibility, you can enjoy a long and rewarding career at Tesco!

What is your favorite Tesco own brand product?

I’ve definitely got a sweet tooth, so for me it has to be Tesco Fizzy Strawberry Laces!

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