Dani & Charlie

Current Role: Dani - Lead Resourcing Manager for Retail / Charlie – UK Reward Manager for Retail

Location: Welwyn Garden City

Joined Tesco: 2011 and 2004


Read Dani & Charlie’s story

Working for the same business and more recently within the same function, it’s really important to get the work-life balance right.

We try not to take work home with us, but we do appreciate and celebrate our individual successes and the difference we both can make in our roles and to the business.

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“We have the flexibility to work from home when we need to, but we both prefer to work in the office and get the job done, rather than bring it home with us.”

We are proud to have over 21 years’ service between us. Charlie joined Tesco 14 years ago, initially on a temporary contract in finance dealing with import declarations before being offered a permanent role. After a varied 10 year career including financial assistance to acquire his CIMA qualification he decided to take on a new challenge within the People team and utilise his skills and experience further, culminating in his current role.

I worked in recruitment for 13 years before joining Tesco and have been fortunate to have had a variety of roles over the last seven years of working here. Ranging from a 6 month secondment to an 18 month role, which have all have offered me breath to grow and develop professionally. Being recognised for the job I do and the contribution I make has inspired me to step outside my comfort zone and go for even bigger opportunities.  

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“Without Tesco seeing my strengths and giving me the opportunities to deliver, I wouldn’t be where I am now.”

The best piece of advice that I have ever been given was, “Change what you can, accept what you can’t.” The business is going through such an exciting transformation and period of change, I don’t spend time worrying about something I can’t control, instead I see it an opportunity.

We make the most of the colleague card discount, the extra 10% off makes a big difference on our weekly shop. We love seeing friends so the wine event discounts are great too, what’s not to like? 

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